Dear Friends,

you can find my Affidavit of Truth where I discuss my false charges here:

I am going home soon despite the blind, deluded and hateful judge McCannon who thinks that he knows everything but in reality is totally deluded and lost in ego. Not only did he convict me of crimes that I did not commit (and he knew full well that I was innocent after seeing all the evidence), he also gave me a 10-year stay away order that no one asked him for. The so-called “victim” never wanted a restraining order against me. It was his child-abusing mother and my power-abusing judge McCannon who wanted it for all the wrong reasons.
I will keep you posted on future nude events when I get out. Please, join my email list to receive updates.
If you are into music and spirituality, check out this site:

and here is another good one:

And if you want to help your local young artists, please donate to Youth Spirit Artworks. This wonderful organization provides housing for people who enroll in its art programs.

I am looking forward to seeing you soon. Please, share your thoughts in the comment section..

With love,

Gypsy Taub