7 thoughts on “My Naked Truth – Sarah-Kay part 2

  1. John

    This “part 2” interview video for Sarah-Kay either is no longer present or cannot be played anymore, both with Firefox and Chrome. It also can’t be found anywhere else online, but I would like to be able to watch it. Can you restore this sequel video to complete the interview?

    1. Gypsy Taub Post author

      will do my best when i can, sorry for not keeping up with those requests, i have too many higher priority things going on in my life, i appreciate your support!!!

      1. John

        Okay, apparently you had the video file being served from here: http://blip.tv/play/AYGfsmAA

        Apparently Blip TV got bought out, and the shut down in 2015: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blip_(website)

        “Maker Studios shut down Blip.tv on August 20, 2015. The website is now inactive.”

        So you should have a master copy of the video file somewhere among your files, and if you have the time to find it you could get it up and running again.

        I just saw the video of you being arrested after appearing in that hearing. How did that go? Is it over?

        I would like to see part 2 of this interview if you can find it too. Also, who is this Sarah Kay? Where else can she be found appearing online?

  2. mojo_rising

    Wow, i really related to Sarah-Kay on the religious experience. I was born and raised as a Jehovah’s Witness, which is different theologically but very similar in terms of the psychological and emotional manipulation. Fortunately, some of us are wired to be able to think for ourselves, and find a way to free ourselves from that life.

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